He’s delivered me from fatherlessness, perversion, same-sex attraction, lust, alcoholism, severe eating disorders, self-hatred, suicidal thoughts, drugs, an addiction to stealing, and I could honestly keep going! I was born out of quite a sad circumstance, and yet the Father of Lights gave me Himself as a Father and made me a Princess in the Kingdom of God! Oh, I cannot wait to see Him face to face!
I’m passionate about equipping our children for Jesus’s return and the persecution leading up to that. Whether He actually returns in their lifetime is not my concern. What is my concern is giving them a “He’s coming soon” paradigm the same as the early church fathers did. I believe our children will walk in greater power, greater purpose, greater works than we could even dream of! That’s the main reason I homeschool- to make my home a training ground for the battle that awaits them. In Jesus’s name, they will be ready! My other passion lies with mothers- I long to see mothers set free from a victim mentality and a self-imposed martyrdom in their motherhood! I feel called to come alongside mothers who, as they are discipling their children, find themselves needing discipleship as well! Im praying that this is a space where you grow stronger in the Lord, where your faith is built up, and where you are filled up in order to pour out to your families.
I’m actually madly in love with Jesus. Like, if we get through a whole conversation without me bringing Him up, it’s a rarity.