“I’m not patient enough to homeschool.”

One of the most common things I hear from women who desire to homeschool, but feel hesitant is that “they are not patient enough.” You may have said, or at least thought, the very same thing. But just for a moment, I’d like to pose a new idea..

Perhaps you aren’t seeing patience actualized at the level you’d like, but also- you’re denying the fact that patience is an inevitable fruit of the Holy Spirit that WILL be cultivated in you- either through homeschooling or through some other means. You can’t escape sanctification. You can’t escape fruit bearing as a believer. As long as you are surrendered to the work of Christ in your life, patience WILL be realized in your life, measure by measure, from glory to glory. Continually speaking that you “aren’t patient” is neither biblical nor encouraging. The Holy Spirit residing in you possesses all patience and is working that in you until all is complete.

Jesus WILL finish the work He started in you, bringing it to completion. A good tree is known by its fruit. Luke 6:43-45 says: “For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil.” Because of your life given over to Christ, the good treasure of your heart will bring forth good. You are being made perfect, my sister, and your children will get to watch the entire process!

And when you do react in a way that isn’t patient, you get to show your children the beauty and redemption that comes with repentance. They get to see you holding yourself (and perhaps having someone else hold you) accountable to any outbursts you may have. They get to see a flawed believer pursuing Jesus and laying their life down daily to follow Him in all things.

For me, homeschooling has been one of the primary vehicles that He’s bringing forth the fruit of patience in my life. But don’t be fooled- if I wasn’t homeschooling, He’d simply be cultivating that fruit elsewhere in my life.

When people say to me: “Oh, you must be super patient then!” I say, “Or I’m just given ample opportunities to practice patience!”

I’m curious- how is the Holy Spirit cultivating patience in you?

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