The Last Days Way Journal

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Ever since my home education journey began back in 2019, I’ve noticed a huge gap in the homeschool community online. While many in the Christian homeschool space would speak of the Holy Spirit being the initiator of their desire to homeschool, I didn’t see many discussing the need for the Holy Spirit in the curation […]

Why I Created the “A Spirit-Led Guide to Homeschooling” Workbook and Course–


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There’s a difference between having a truly difficult season or even few seasons, and permanently playing the role of ‘martyr mom’ to manipulate family and friends. Jada Hite There are days when I’m genuinely struggling and need a break. Let me correct that. There are WEEKS at a time when I am genuinely struggling and […]

Playing the Role of “Martyr Mom”–


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The mark of a disciple by America’s standards: Who Jesus says His disciples are: There is a cost to following Him. There is fruit in keeping with repentance. There’s no skirting around sanctification. There’s no bypassing the refining fire. 6 out of 10 adults in America claim to be Christian; but when their ideologies were […]

Who Jesus Says His Disciples Are..


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I’ve heard so many people saying to me, “I couldn’t see myself birthing/raising children with the way the world is heading.” Whether followers of Jesus or not, much of the world is the aware of the darkness that surrounds. And yet, many (even in the Church) don’t realize that Jesus’s return doesn’t merely depend on […]

“I couldn’t imagine bringing a child into this present darkness.”
